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第一章 总 则
第一条 为促进企业体制改革,保证股票发行公开顺利进行,维护投资者的合法权益,根据国家有关法律、法规和政策,制订本办法。
第二条 厦门市股份有限公司(以下简称公司)发行股票均须遵守本办法,国家法律、法规另有规定的除外。
第三条 股票发行应遵守公开、公平、公正、合法的原则。
第四条 厦门市股票发行主管机关是中国人民银行厦门分行(以下简称主管机关),日常工作由中国人民银行厦门分行金融管理处负责。

第二章 股票
第五条 股票是公司签发的证明股东按其所持股份享有权利和承担义务的书面凭证。
第六条 股票的票面必须载明以下内容:
第七条 股票的票面格式须经主管机关认可,并在主管机关指定的印刷厂印制。
第八条 股票原则上实行一手一票制,每股面值为一元,按不同的股票分别确定若干股为一手。
第九条 股票均为记名股票,计值货币为人民币。用外汇购买的人民币特种股票的管理办法另行规定。
第十条 公司可以发行普通股和优先股股票。
第十一条 股份按投资来源分为以下几种(国家另有规定的除外):
第十二条 股票可转让、抵押、继承,但不得退股。

第三章 股票发行方式
第十三条 股票发行可分为公开发行、私募发行和内部发行。
第十四条 公开发行。是指公司以同一条件向社会非特定单位和个人发行。但本公司内部职工享有优先认购权,认购股份不得超过公司向社会公众发行部分的10%。发起人认购的股份自公司成立之日起一年内不得转让。
第十五条 私募发行。是指公司股份由三个以上的发起人(法人)全额认购股份,不向发起人之外的任何人募集股份。公司股权证的转让须在法人之间进行。
第十六条 内部发行。是指公司发行的股份除发起人认购外,其余股份不向社会公众公开发行,而是向其他法人和本公司内部职工发行,其股份形式为股权证。对股权证的管理,由主管机关制定办法另行规定。
第十七条 股票分为按面值发行和滥价发行,不得低于面值发行,公司所确定的发行价格须经主管机关认可。

第四章 股票发行申请
第十八条 企业申请公开发行股票,应符合下列条件:
第十九条 申请公开发行股票须向主管机关报送下列文件、材料:
第二十条 申请再次发行股票,须符合下列条件:
第二十一条 申请再次发行股票,应向主管机关报送下列文件、材料:
第二十二条 公司派发红股属于扩股。公司派发红股不得超过其公司章程规定的分配比例,并须将股东大会和董事会决议报送主管机关批准后方可执行。
第二十三条 招股说明书须真实、全面地揭示下列事项:

第五章 股票发行审批
第二十四条 股票发行须经主管机关批准,未经批准,禁止发行。
第二十五条 主管机关应在接到申请发行的全部文件后二十天内决定是否批准,不予批准的,应向申请人书面说明理由。
第二十六条 股票发行申请一经批准,发行公司不得变更。如需变更,须经主管机关批准。

第六章 股票的发售和承销
第二十七条 股票公开发售的方式经主管机关确认后实行。
第二十八条 发行公司须在股票发售七天前,在主管机关指定的报刊刊登招股说明书。
第二十九条 股票的公开发行必须由证券经营机构(以下简称证券承销商)承销,承销可采取包销、助销和代销方式。
第三十条 证券承销商每次承销股票的期限不得超过90天,承销期满时尚未出售的股票,按承销合同规定的条款处理。
第三十一条 证券承销商在发售股票前,须将承销合同的副本报送主管机关备案。
第三十二条 股票承销合同应载明下列事项:
第三十三条 证券承销商可按实际承销总金额的比例收取费用,其费率标准另定。
第三十四条 证券承销商应在承销期满后或承销的股票全部售完后15天内,向主管机关报送股票承销情况报告书,包括以下内容:
第三十五条 公司应于发行结束后一个月内,向主管机关报送股票发行结果报告书,包括以下内容:

第七章 证券经营机构
第三十六条 证券经营机构应依据国家有关规定,向证券主管机关提出经营证券业务的申请,经批准后方可经营证券业务。
第三十七条 证券经营机构如需在异地设立分支机构,须经主管机关审查通过后,向异地证券主管机关办理申报手续。
第三十八条 证券经营机构如需成为异地证券交易所会员,须经主管机关审查通过后,向异地证券交易所办理申报手续。
第三十九条 证券经营机构如接受本市公司委托,申请异地上市股票,须报主管机关审查通过后,由证券经营机构和公司向异地证券交易所提出上市申请。

第八章 主管机关
第四十条 主管机关的职责:
第四十一条 主管机关主管下列事项:
第四十二条 主管机关的管理人员必须以身作则,遵纪守法,廉洁奉公,按公开、公正、合法的原则有效地进行管理。不得以权谋私,徇私舞弊。

第九章 罚 则
第四十三条 凡未经主管机关批准擅自发行股票、认股权证及其它各种集资券的,由主管机关给予发行人责令其停止违法活动,冻结公司发行证券所筹资金,退还所筹资金本息,并可通知金融机构停止其贷款或处以违法活动所涉及金额5%以下罚款。
第四十四条 发行公司和证券承销商不按主管机关批准的发行范围、数量及发行价格发行的,由主管机关给予责令其退还超过范围及数量的款项,并可对发行公司及承销商分别处以涉及金额5%以下罚款或停止其三年以下的发行及承销资格。
第四十五条 凡经主管机关批准已发行股票的公司,如不按本办法及时并如实向主管机关报送有关材料或向社会公众披露有关资料,可给予以下处罚:
第四十六条 凡未经主管机关批准擅自从事证券经营的机构和个人,给予取缔其非法经营,没收非法所得,并可处以违法活动所涉及金额5%以下罚款。
第四十七条 违反第二十二条规定的,由主管机关处以一万元以上,三万元以下罚款。
第四十八条 违反本办法其他规定的,按有关法律、法规处理。
第四十九条 违反本办法,触犯刑律的,提请司法部门处理。

第十章 附 则
第五十条 本办法由中国人民银行厦门分行负责解释。
第五十一条 本办法自公布之日起实行。






第一条 为实施国务院批准的国家高新技术产业开发区有关政策规定,推动我国高新技术产业的发展,制定本办法。
第二条 国家高新技术产业开发区(以下简称开发区)内的高新技术企业,按照本办法认定。
第三条 省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市科学技术委员会(以下简称省、市科委)是省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市人民政府管理开发区内高新技术企业认定工作的主管机构,负责监督本办法的实施。开发区办公室在人民政府领导和省、市科委指导监督下,具体办理高新技术企业的审批认定事宜。
第四条 根据世界科学技术发展现状,划定高新技术范围如下:
第五条 高新技术企业是知识密集、技术密集的经济实体。开发区内的高新技术企业,必须具备下列各项条件:
第六条 兴办高新技术企业,须向开发区办公室提出申请,经开发区办公室核定后,由省、市科委批准并发给《高新技术企业证书》。
第七条 开发区办公室应定期按本办法第五条规定的条件,对高新技术企业进行考核。不符合上述条件的高新技术企业,不得享受国家高新技术产业开发区的各项政策规定。
第八条 列为高新技术产品的期限一般为五年以内,技术周期较长的高新技术产品经批准可延长至七年。
第九条 高新技术企业变更经营范围、合并、分立、转业、迁移或歇业的,须经开发区办公室审批,并向工商、税务等部门办理相应的登记。
第十条 开发区内,按国家规定全部核减行政事业费实行经济自立的全民所有制科研单位,符合本办法第五条规定条件的,经开发区办公室核定,可转成高新技术企业。
第十一条 本办法替代原由国家科委颁布的《关于高技术、新技术企业认定条件和标准的暂行规定》。
第十二条 各省、市科委应就本办法制定实施细则。原有实施细则凡与本办法不符的,应依据本办法修正。
第十三条 本办法由国家科学技术委员会负责解释和修改。
第十四条 本办法自国务院批准之日起实施。

Conditions and Measures on the Designation of High and New Techno-logy Enterprises in National High and New Technology Industry DevelopmentZones

(Approved by the State Council on March 6, 1991 Promulgated by theState Science Commission in March, 1991)

Whole Doc.
Article 1
These Measures are formulated to implement the relevant policy and
provisions on the national high and new technology industry development
zone approved by the high and new technology industry in our country.
Article 2
High and new technology enterprises in national high and new
technology industry development zones (hereinafter referred to as the
Development Zones) shall be identified and designated according to these
Article 3
Science and technology commission in each province, autonomous
region, municipality, planned separate city (hereinafter referred to as
science and technology commission at provincial and city level) shall be
the authority in charge of the identification and designation of high and
new technology enterprises in the Development Zones administered by the
people's government of each province, autonomous region, municipality
planned separate city, and shall be responsible for the implementation of
these Measures. The Development Zone Office shall, under the leadership of
the people's government and the leadership and supervision of the science
commission at provincial and city level, specifically handle the
examination and approval of the identification and designation of the high
and new technology enterprises.
Article 4
According to the current development of science and technology in the
world, high and new technology is divided into following categories:
(1) microelectronics and electronic information technology;
(2) space science and aerospace and aeronautical technology;
(3) optoelectronics and optical, mechanical and electronic integra-
tion technology;
(4) life science and biological engineering technology;
(5) material science and new materials technology;
(6) energy science and new energy, high efficient energy conservation
(7) ecology and environmental science;
(8) earache science and ocean engineering;
(9) basic matter science and radiation science;
(10) medical science and bio-medical engineering;
(11) other new process or new technology applicable in the tradi-
tional industries.
The categories of high and new technology shall be supplemented and
amended from time to time according to the constant development inside and
outside China, and shall be published by the State Science Commission.
Article 5
High and new technology enterprises shall be knowledge-intensive and
technology-intensive economic enterprises. High and new technology
enterprises within the Development Zones must meet the following
(1) they are engaging in the research, development, production and
sale of one or more high technologies within the scope of Article 4 and
their products. However, pure commercial distribution of such technologies
and their products are excepted;
(2) they are practicing independent accounting, autonomous operation
and bearing their own profit and loss;
(3) the persons in charge of the enterprises with the research,
development, production and sale of the products in their enterprises, and
shall be the full time personnel of the enterprises;
(4) scientist and technical personnel with college and university
education shall account or more than 30% of all the staffs of the
enterprises; scientists and technical personnel engaged in the research
and development of high and new technology products shall account or more
than 10% of all the staffs of the enterprises.
For those labor-intensive high and new technology enterprises
engaging in the production or service of high and new technology products,
scientists and technical personnel with college and university education
shall account or more than 20% of all the staffs of the enterprises;
(5) they have more than RMB 100000 yuan as their own funds, as well
as appropriates places of business and facilities corresponding to their
respective scale of business activities;
(6) more than 3% of the gross revenue of the enterprises shall have
been allotted as expenses of the research and development of high and new
technology products;
(7) the gross revenues of the high and new technology enterprises
shall be composed of technology income, value of the high and new
technology products, value of the ordinary technological products and
technology-related trade. The aggregate of technological income and value
of the high and new technology products shall account of more than 50% of
the annual gross revenue of the enterprises.
Technological income shall mean income derived from technical
consultancy, technology transfer, technology contributed as equity
investment, technical services, technical training, technical engineering
design and contracts, technology export, adoption and acquisition of
imported technology and trial productions;
(8) they have specific articles of association and strict technical
and financial administration system;
(9) their terms of operation shall be more than 10 years.
Article 6
An application for the establishment of high and new technology shall
be submitted to the Development Zone Office, after the Development Zone
Office has examined and determined, the application shall be approved and
a "Certificate of High and New Technology Enterprise" shall be granted by
the science and technology commission at provincial and city level.
Article 7
The Development Zone Office shall examine and verify the high and new
technology enterprises according to the conditions set forth in Article 5
on a regular basis. Those high and new technology enterprises that do not
meet the above conditions shall not be entitled to the policies and
provisions of the national high and new technology industry development
Article 8
The duration of those classified as high and new technology products
shall be within 5 years, and duration of those high and new technology
products that have a longer technological cycle shall upon approval be
extended to 7 years.
Article 9
High and new technology enterprises that alter their scope of
business, merge with or separate from other entities, charge their
production line, redomicile or wind-up shall apply to the Development Zone
Office for examination and approval, and shall undertake corresponding
industrial and commercial and tax registration.
Article 10
Science research institutes with the ownership of the whole people in
the Development Zones whose administrative and operational expenses have
been reduced pursuant to the stipulations of the State, that practice
independent accounting and that meet the conditions set forth in Article 5
may, upon verification by the Development Zone Office, be converted into
high and new technology enterprises.
Article 11
These Measures shall replace Interim Provisions on the Conditions and
Standards for the Designation of High and New Technology Enterprises
promulgated by the State Science and Technology Commission.
Article 12
Science and technology commissions in each province and city shall
adopt implementing rules based on these Measures. The existing
implementing rules that do not conform to these Measures shall be amended
in accordance with these Measures.
Article 13
The State Science Commission shall be responsible for the
interpretation and amendment to these Measures.
Article 14
These Measures shall be implemented from the date of approval by the
State Council.


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